Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Hats Off!

Happy early summer! :) It's finally here and we're having a few days off to celebrate our first wedding anniversary and my husband's birthday. The weather has been so kind to us and we've been able to spend time outdoors in the garden and have even had a barbecue. Bliss! 

I needed a new hat for summer so got one at the Garden Show on Friday. It's just a cheap one but is exactly the style I have been looking for and replaces the one I got in Italy a couple of years ago. Here's the new hat:

But that's not very crafty, I hear you say! Well, I mixed it up a bit! I had bought the most recent 'Cloth' Magazine swayed mostly by the free swallow trim. (My sewing skills are still in quite early days but the projects inside inspired me too!)

Here's the trim:

I set to work ironing the trim and cutting a length to fit on top of the brown ribbon. After a few shots getting it lined up nicely, I got the glue out. It was just tacky glue so dried quickly and worked well. And ta-dah... Here's my quickly-updated summer hat!

I love it!

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